Denmark’s Spillemyndigheden outlines new guildlines for Brexit transition

Content Team December 9, 2020
Denmark’s Spillemyndigheden outlines new guildlines for Brexit transition

Denmark’s gambling authority, Spillemyndigheden, has announced new Brexit guidelines, outlining that UK based licence holders must either have a representative or be established in Denmark or another EU or EEA country. 

denmark-123735_1920Spillemyndigheden announced new Brexit guidelines under their revised Gambling Act, breaking silence on their reaction to Brexit which is set to take effect next month. They stress that all online gambling license holders must affirm that their representative is a resident or established in Denmark or another EEA or EU country.  

Given the new guidelinesSpillemyndigheden warns that UK based operators who hold a license in Denmark must now work with a representative in order to continue to operate in the country 

Spillemyndigheden issued a warning to UK-based operators that as of 1 January 2021: 

spm-mærket-centered_0licence holders that are established in Great Britain after the end of the transition period are responsible for complying with the requirement of a representative in connection with their Danish licence if their circumstances change with Brexit. 

The news comes after the UK has ramped up negotiations with the EU in bid to prepare for the EU Council Summit happening between the 10th and 11th December. Assuming the UK leaves without a trade agreement or extensionthe two parties will continue with the established ‘transitional agreement’ on January 1st 2021.  

Source: European Gaming

Following the UK’s  December 2020 release of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, SiGMA Group will move its February event to April. SiGMA Europe, which will be based in Malta, will now run from 13-15 April, 2021.
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